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When we speak others, try to speak what they feel about us, but we are so peaceful. For more information contained here in click ......HERE....

This Propaganda, moving around that there is Human Sacrifice in illuminati, IS NOT TRUE! we do not carry out any kind of Human Sacrifice, please there is no any loose of human life in illuminati, we do not kill People in any way, Please do not allow anyone to scare you.

We can revenge any who says that we kill, but we do not want that, we are peace promoters.
I want to tell you on your Phone, Ipad or in front of your Computer reading this, as you read, bear in mind that any achievement you want in Life, is all about Decision, please if you do not decide, you will rote in Poverty. Join illuminati, Send your request to: WhatsApp number: +256787455792

In this Generation, Your Education does not Matter, You wisdom does not Matter, Your skin color is not important.

Even though you come from the President’s Family. If you do not join illuminati, you will rote in Poverty; we have taken control over everything on this planet Earth...

Career, job and true vacation



Career seems to play a very important role in our society. It may define us as persons. Yet, it is only through finding a good career anyone could be offered a better tomorrow. It is not just career which defines our life and gives us a purpose to live for but it is an important part of the big puzzle.

The first thing anyone asks you about is your name and the next thing is “ what do you do?”. This means that job gives you a sense of identity. It helps you get a sense of what you might be good at .

For that reason, today people are turning to astrology for guidance and direction. They are looking for ultimate fulfillment in their professional lives and this can be only through a meaningful vocation.

Saying it differently, a career or a profession is an important tool of self-expression. What matters is that what we do connects us to what we have inside, something that makes you feel worthwhile and pushes you to offer you best to life.

Astrology is the source which inspires you and tells you about you soul needs and what you are capable of achieving in one lifetime. It teaches you how to realize you dream and to create your own reality.

Actually, the collaboration of signs, planets, houses...brings about a beneficial guidance to reach the joy and fulfillment expected. All of the needs of signs, the energies of the planets and the goals of the houses help in achieving career satisfaction.

It is only through understanding planetary influences at the time of birth, anyone can be in a better position to direct their life in a more fulfilling direction.

The zodiac signs are always a good way for anyone to understand his or her personality and reveal what type of career is the most compatible with their psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual make up.

Thus, this astrological output can help you understand your specific function in life and society, as well as it will help you develop your talents and prepare you for the upcoming challenges and for a lifetime of rewarding work. Therefore, it is the astrological insights that you need to begin with in order to improve your life by finding a profession that really fits your needs.

As an astrologer, I strongly believe that anyone should be raised with the belief that their life has a meaningful purpose and that they ought to encourage themselves to find out what that purpose is.

In other words, there is nothing more satisfying than finding your true calling in life. That is why, to find the ideal profession, anyone has to know themself first, know their unique talents, gifts and capabilities and anything within them that bring the suitable job.

It is your own needs and what you want to become that defines your true calling.

For this reason, everyone needs to take pride in their potentials and abilities to do a job well. You should express expansive ideas and pursue your goals openly.

Moreover, you should opt for a profession that offers you stability, recognition, authority and enhance your unique structures.

Furthermore, astrological analysis helps you in getting an overview of how you should investigate your own talents and abilities to work within well- defined boundaries that will lead you into a leadership position in the world.

Astrology in fact, teaches you how to challenge yourself by concentrating your energies, talents and responsibilities in order to establish a place for yourself in the world. It simply illuminates your way to find the career that brings you joy and fulfillment. Here lies the usefulness of astrology for those who have some doubts about it.

Everyone should look deeply into their soul, pick something they want to express and find a way to share with the rest of the outer world, but this can be worth-rewarding only if it is proving to be useful at the same time. In other words, you should look for a career that makes you feel useful and thereby gives your life a meaningful purpose.

Last but not least, this leads to talk about another crucial issue related to that life calling which is passion. When we talk about career/vocation, passion crosses our minds automatically and without permission because the ideal is to have a job that uses your talents in the service of something you are passionate about.

Motivation and passion lead to success. This feeling that comes from within you will be your drive that helps lead you down the path to success. What matters is your attitude towards the work you are doing. Once you have such powerful enthusiasm and when you feel pride of the work you are doing, the better you can overcome any obstacle that may arise in the process of moving up in your career path. Here one can illustrate by the movie of “The Pursuit of Happiness” as a good example when the actor W. Smith stated that the secret to success is...”to find something you love to do so much, you can't wait for the Sun to rise to do it all over again”. He explained that the most inspiring leaders are those who don't work at their job, but pursue a calling.

So, passion is one of the most crucial ingredients for success. Therefore, you should follow your passion and really enjoy the job you are doing and be good enough at it. This will enhance your self-esteem and will boost your self-confidence. You can even look at the success Mark Zuckerberg has reached so far thanks to his social network “Facebook”. When he was asked about the secret behind his shining over the world with his network, he answered that “Passion and not money leads to success.” He suggested to follow that feeling or drive of happiness and explained that “...even if you don't end up making a fortune, you will at least be doing what you love.”

In a nutshell, making a good career is actually about a lot more than opting for a particular job; it is about looking for something that will provide you with a meaningful lifestyle you seek, as well as it is about finding that career which involves your individual passion, your unique talents and merges or uses both of them.

Relying on astrology will be your gate to find your dream calling job that is enjoyable and meaningful and your key ingredient of life satisfaction.

Your ability to give and to receive

How your career will evolve ? Click here

Discover all the planetary influences that can make your life better !

Astrology has a huge impact on the career choices as well as on the professional situation and personal wealth of the person, just like on any other area of life. However it can be particularly precisous and useful to delve into the natal chart in order to explore the true vocation of the person and the areas where one can find personal recognition, satisfactionand material prosperity. There are few people who managed to escape asking themselves « What actually am I doing here ? » being bored, stressed or overwhelmed by the intense and often not really interesting activity at their workplace, problems in their business beginnings, or simply looking for the job for months without any important progress. This is when astrology comes in handy, as it helps answering numerous questions in regards to where and how a person can find their path that will both satisfy them financially and emotionally.

There are several important techniques that help to determine the best career options and possibles sources of income, as well as the best periods for career progression, job change or promotion. The 10th house is clearly the most important and linked to the professional inclinations and talents. The position of Jupiter should also be followed in order to search for the areas one can be lucky in. Finally the transits are explored to determine the key dates. This is just a short summary of what actually the career astrology can bring, as the revelations are often really amazing. I have worked with so many people, who have encountered certain hiccups in their professional life and business. It is really amazing how their life has changed after having indications about the path to follow, in fact each person has their unique talents and the areas where they can stand out. Knowing them opens the way to successful career, social recognition and material prosperity.

Career and vocational guidance will give you a detailed analysis of your Career Perspectives, Strengths, Hidden Talents:

What do you need to know about yourself in order to be successful in your profession? What are your needs and expectations when talking about your career for the next months to come?

Your hidden talents and challenges, your strong and weak points so that you can develop and use them starting from now on

Your ability to give and to receive

Your work in relation to your employment in the long-term perspective including different sources of income.

Hobbies and recreational activities greatly influence the creativity of the person , in which ways you can use your interests in your professional development?

Your hidden and unique talents, I will help you get social recognition through career, which is the part of your general personal development.

Prosperity Reading will analyze the financial aspect of your success and will show you the way to achieve Personal Wealth, and more precisely you will learn:

How to increase your financial prosperity?

What blocks you have been suffering from that prevented you from moving forward and getting material rewards you deserve and how you can remove them.

Your attitude towards money and how you manage it. You will get concrete suggestion on how to create and multiply prosperity.

Your communication with colleagues, superiors, authorities, etc...

The prosperity is going to bring you more freedom, and I will show you the way you can get it.

You will also receive a detailed Day-By-Day Forecast for the next three months:

Your daily prediction for the period of 3 months, your reading will include all the details and all the planetary movements, including even very short ones, and of course long-term and more powerful configurations.

I will show you the best way to tackle all the shifts and movements that are going to happen in your astral sky, the best way to handle the challenges and to always be successful.

When will your intuition be on the top? What emotions are going to impact your way of thinking? What feelings will get hold of you? I will answer all these questions for you on a day-by-day basis.

The key dates when you should be attentive to professional opportunities and how you can seize them and much more...

Try to seek the right path and move forward by ordering your Full Career Reading. Reveal all your potential and start reaping the fruit of your labours