Uranus has the capacity to remove us from emotional conditions in our lives whether wanted or not. The conjunction may see us on the move literally moving home and possessions to a new place, breaking the ties that bind, hence the removal (Uranus) from emotional (Moon) as well as maternal feelings. Changes in home life can be sudden and very surprising and expect an INFATUATION or two to develop, it keeps the old heart beating!

Old emotional patterns are cleared away now and replaced by new ways of thinking. You may suddenly move which can be emotionally upsetting and the people that you meet will prove to be very unusual in some way. Sudden feelings and changes in emotions can develop that baffle you and confuse everyone else. Unexpected visits which are happy or unappreciated and quite sudden can occur and sudden gains and losses can occur in business. This transit favors Improvements of self and home and electronics purchases can make you very happy emotionally.

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